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NGSkintools is a Lifesaver!!!

I've slowly started to learn how NGskintools works. It is a really great addon for Maya that Improves the native weight painting tools in Maya. It adds thing like layers that make weight painting a whole lot easier and a lot more fun.

My Weight Painting Process:

So when I got this rig Melody's face and neck paints were pretty much done. I only had to adjust the neck a bit so that it would follow one of the neck joints better. The body did have some weights but they were pretty bad so I pretty much had to start over. So what I did is I created a flood layer and flooded the root joint, I then created a Blocking layer and put it above the Flood layer. And in the blocking layer I blocked out all of the joints by selecting the highest joint in the hierarchy and flooding the verticies I selected with a value of one. (example Shoulder_L) and I then I would go down the chain and flood each joint. I then created a Relax layer and put it above the Blocking layer. This helps relax some of the weights.

Blocking Layer:

Relax Layer:

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